Monday, 5 June 2017

A tough day

Yesterday was a funny one in that we didn’t catch nearly as many fish as we were hoping but at the same time there were signs that things are beginning to happen as we would expect.

At Lower we only landed 4 fish for the day.  We lost a few others and there were various encounters but the truth is that it was a slow and yet another cold day.  Eoin Fairgrieve and Bill Drury were on the river working their magic and we saw an improvement in everyone’s casting.

Jonny C on Bear Island
It is difficult, with the high water, to get away with just overhead casting and spey casting is a new thing to many here which is as we would expect with this being the tuition week.

Pana saw the first fish of the season landed by the guests.  Just 2 but welcome signs that fish are there, particularly as the 2nd fish was landed at Rockface which is halfway up the beat.

Igor reaching for Stewart H's fish
Kitza landed 5 fish with Joe M landing 2 from Sasha’s in the morning.  Jack, the camp manager, reports that finally the river is dropping away from being bank high and there are more and more places that are easily accessible to wade.

Middle does what it always does, which is to blow everyone’s theories out of the water.  They landed 61 between the 12 rods with Hugo M and Rob McK landing 6 apiece from their session in Peartiha. Colton C managed to outfish his father by 6 to 1 which, as he is only 16, was a very good effort.

Is Spring finally coming? Birch buds just showing this morning
It is at last a bit warmer this morning although the water temperature is still only 3 degrees but Stewart H went out at 6.30 this morning and landed 1 from Heli whilst also losing 2 more which has given everyone encouragement and we hope for more of the same as the day goes on.

Charlie White