Friday 22 June 2018

End of an era

Last night, despite a 9 inch rise in the water here, the HMS Pizzed Up was carefully dismantled and put in position for it’s winter birth. Whilst we can still go fishing from the boats in the evening it won’t be quite the same.
Matt P with one of the two from the day
Yesterday the fishing was very slow as the river came up. Gordon M had a good size fish from Snake Pit and Jon P and Matt P had 2 each from the upper river. Whilst a rise in the river keeps us boating it does give the fish every chance to run and this reflected in our 5 fish for the day.
Caught and released
Up at Pana they had 10 fish for the day on account of sterling work from George S with 7. Matt took to the water with Guy R on the float trip and did not touch a thing showing that even seasoned professionals need a bit of luck when the fishing is tough. Over at Kitza they landed 11 fish for the day.
Jon P's second fish
The river has remained clear and is currently at 16 degrees so we are still fishing full floaters and long leaders with small doubles in size 8,10 and 12. The weather is still unpredictable with regular showers and cold winds. The most important things to have for next week are bug spray and a sense of humour. We’ve had a tremendous week for jokes and laughs despite very difficult fishing.
Matt P's second fish up river

Tomorrow we close Kitza and Pana and I am off to Murmansk to collect the last of the Middle clients. I will give a week round up on Sunday morning.

Jack Selby

Thursday 21 June 2018

Rod Snapper

This week has involved some heavy and late nights. So it was very welcome to get a little snooze yesterday morning. Less welcome was being woken up by Phil who had snapped his second rod tip of the week. He was looking to exchange the broken tip for a new one. At this rate he may well be going through a rod per fish.
Phil not breaking a rod

After yesterday’s thunder storm and down pour the river has risen and we had a mild and over cast day. Having made the call of lunch at camp the sun came out briefly but proved that sticking to the plan works as it hammered down during lunch and everyone was thankful of a roof under which to enjoy their sausage rolls and soup.
Up River lunch team

Matt P had misjudged his capacity for white wine and took the day to recover meaning Jon P and I fished Fortress in the afternoon. All the water we fished felt perfect both in height and speed but sadly nothing showed interest in our flies.
At Pana Guy R got 1 in the tail of Lagoon, Peter P had 2, Alexander M had 1 from Ponzoi, David H landed 1 from Grannies, George S and Willie G had 1 each on the float trip. Matt also reports lots of mozzies like here.
Fish from Bear
Kitza stats were pretty amazing but the detail show’s it was a little one sided. They landed 20 yesterday. Paul R landing 13 of them: 3 at Red Cliffs, 3 from Beaver Pit  and 4 in rock pool! Francisco had 2 one from Sasha’s and one from Kitchen. Reynout K had 3 from Sasha’s, Reel and Green Glide.
Dodging rocks
This morning we have more showers and the river has risen another 3 inches. My big boat was due to be removed from the water last night but seems to have had a short reprieve. I’m glad as I’ve become quite attached to the old girl.

Jack Selby

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Thunder and Lightning

Yesterday was cooler and overcast. There was enough of a breeze to keep the mosquitoes at bay most of the time. Here at middle we had a better day with 11 fish landed. Jon P had 2 before breakfast and lost a very good fish in the day. Caleb S had 3 from the upper river including a fish of about 12lbs.
Catch of the day

This morning Daniel B proclaimed that all the action he and James have had has been in the afternoon. This is almost certainly down to the fact they have not yet fished in the mornings.
Phil W with a lovely fish up river
Ian B had the catch of the day. He suddenly spotted the smaller camp dog swimming towards him and stripped in to try to avoid a disaster. He unfortunately hooked the dog in the process which proceeded to take 300 yards of backing and land itself on the top of the island where it unhooked itself and was safely released.
Pre-lunch snooze
Kitza had 18 yesterday, Francisco caught 5, with 2 from Beaver Pit, 2 from Rock Pool and one from Green Bank. Jose caught 4, 2 from Chopper Island one from Toms and the other in camp! Paul R had 6, 3 of which were from Old Dam, he also lost a fair number in there too. Pana landed 5 fish with Guy R landing 2.
Ivan releasing a fish from the boat
This morning we awoke to a massive thunder storm that seemed to rock the cabin. With it came fairly heavy rain though this has had the effect of cooling the river and a slight rise. Everyone this morning agreed that it was the largest and longest storm they’ve ever witnessed. Luckily it has blown through but the forecast is for more rain so we will see what happens today.
Sunset during evening fishing on the party boat
Late into the night last night we fished Party to no avail. Matt P, Jon P and Phil W were all upon the boat and we fished hard. As Daniel B pointed out there was a mist rising off the water and our chances were low but we had a jolly good time, a few beers and many laughs.

Jack Selby

Tuesday 19 June 2018

An unusual mix

We had scorching sun all morning yesterday and then things started to cloud over and the wind got up. With the wind came some heavier clouds but none of us predicted rain showers. The fishing was definitely better as the cloud came in.
Philip W with his first Russian Salmon
We had 8 fish for the day with Rob L catching 2 from the same spot. As ever Alan E and Jim S caught one each. Ian B had a nice fish at Picnic. Philip W caught his first Russian salmon at Simmon’s.
Daniel B with a hard fort fish up river
Pana landed 10 fish for the team. George S had 2 fish as did Alexander M. Willie G had 3 fish for the day and 1 each for David H, Charles M and Peter P. Much more important to Pana were the football results!
Into the net
Kitza have yet to confirm but it sounded like they were on 10 before supper with Paul R having the bulk of the sport again.
Much debated Forget Me Nots
Here at middle there was much debate regarding the name of the little blue and yellow flowers that are growing everywhere between the cabins and Generator. James S went with Forget Me Not but Daniel B was having none of it. A photo was quickly dispatched to Mrs Anne for confirmation and James S was declared the winner!
Azar taking the lazy crossing option
This morning the sun broke through briefly but the cloud cover seems to be rolling back in. The forecast was showers but I fear they actually arrived last night so we will see what materialises today. The water temperature is 16 degrees and the river only dropped 1.5”. Jon P had 2 fresh grilse from Bear before breakfast which has spurred everyone on. Well almost everyone.

Jack Selby

Monday 18 June 2018

You never really know what's coming...

Yesterday we had roasting hot sun and hot water temperatures. Millie finally had her swim in the river which gives an idea of just how warm it was. At 4pm the river was at 18 degrees and dropped by 2 degrees by 8pm. This has certainly had a detrimental effect on the fishing with only 4 fish caught during office hours and 4 caught in the early morning or late into the night.

Jon P with a Grilse from Bear

Kitza held up it’s run of good fishing by landing 15 yesterday. Paul R had 7, 3 from Red Cliffs, 2 from Beaver Pit, one from Tom’s and one from Green Bank. Jose M had 2, Sasha’s and Gold Mine. Francisco P had one from Gold Mine also. Antony B had 3 out of Sasha’s, Piddling and Gold Mine.

Nice Grilse from Generator

Up at Pana fortunes were slightly better with 12 fish landed. George S got 3 up on the float trip, Charlie M got 2 from Rockface and Ponzoi, Willie G had 2 from Pontoon and lost a fish estimated to be 20lbs. Peter P and David H landed 2 each. Whilst the conditions did not effect Pana as much the report was that there were not many takes or loses for the 12.
Beautiful view down river

Today has started hot again but there is a breeze and the forecast for tomorrow is cloud and Wednesday rain. As with any wilderness you never really know what’s coming but the change from last week has been staggering. Our water is at 14 degrees this morning and the air is 20 degrees.
Caleb S with a nice fish from Robinson's Folly
There has been no sense of urgency from 2 of our guests this week who seem to relish a late start as the sun really gets hot. This seems to be contagious with 4 guests still having breakfast at 10:15. Let’s hope those who have headed out early have done the business.

Another for Jon P
Jack Selby

Sunday 17 June 2018

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday when we got up for the helicopter there was not a breath of wind and not a cloud in the sky. A total reversal from the day before. The mosquitoes were out and about and the river was gently dropping. After Friday’s heavy up stream gales and over cast skies we now have a hot still blue sky day. The air temperature is up to 19 degrees already and the water up to 14 degrees. Almost everyone has opted for tiny flies, long leaders and full floating lines.

Karen C with a fish from Simmons

Steven H with another at Golden Hole

Friday at middle produced 7 fish with Brendon G getting 2 fish from Generator and 1 from Pasha’s. Karen C caught a lovely fish from Simmon’s. We totalled 84 for the week in cold and windy conditions. Kitza ended on 131 fish with 16 on Friday. Bryan P catching 3, 2 from Long Pool. Alan had 2 with one from Green Glide and one at beaver Pit. Paul B had 2 from Gold Mine. Richard G had 2 from Green Bank (very apt) and Josh C had 5 for the day with 2 at Chopper Island. Pana had a further 8 fish on Friday making 64 total for the week.
Steven H with yet another at Golden Hole

Charlie C at Peartiha

There was a fairly relaxed approach to fishing round the island last night with much red wine drunk by many rather than fishing generator. That said Jim S and Alan E had one each and Jon P had a fish from Bear and another offer. All three fish were fresh grilse and taken on small flies. George S had a fish up at Pana and so far no word from last night’s action on Kitza but it sounds like Ollie got stuck into a few in the morning.

Brendon G selfie king

Charlie C overtaking his father

Jack Selby