It will be a short blog this morning as we are off to Murmansk any minute now with our outgoing clients. During the hour and a half flight we will no doubt all be reflecting on a wonderful week on the Varzuga.
Joe M at Lower Camp with a bright bar of silver |
As I type, a few of the hard core members are still fishing and trying to squeeze that one last salmon in before we depart so I do not have final numbers for the camps. Tomorrow I will have caught up with everyone and will report the totals. One thing I am fairly certain of is that Middle Varzuga will have broken every record going. As of Thursday evening, the week was averaging 98 salmon per rod and they still had a full day to go.
Peter A with another one from Pertiha |
At Lower and Kitza we had fabulous fishing. The numbers will be less than Middle but we had an excellent 6 days with very little fishing out of hours. The camp at Lower is now fabulously comfortable and with the intimacy of Kitza, it is a wonderful way to split the week.
Water height at Sabacchi Rapids at Lower Camp yesterday |
There is no question that those who fish before breakfast and after dinner do land more than those who fish in just the guided hours but, for most people, a week here is about the whole experience and not just the numbers. Being on a river where you fish in expectation rather than vague hope is a rarity these days and our guests have taken full advantage of it.
One of the many Arctic Terns that have arrived this past week |
More tomorrow when I hope to report that many of our new rods will already have had a few fish under their belt on the first evening and will be enjoying simply being in this amazing environment.
Charlie White