Sunday, 10 June 2012

Summer Time

Murmansk airport was wonderfully noisy yesterday, the upstairs bar was packed for a couple of hours as the outgoing parties met up and compared notes and the incoming groups urgently de-briefed them for information on water height, hot spots and the best flies to use.
Getting ready - 30 minutes after arrival!
The decibel level at the bar was understandable given the extraordinary catches; last week Kitza finished with 310 salmon to 8 rods, Middle had a staggering 907 for 10 rods while the team of 8 at Pana landed 496. I’m not sure yet of the total score for the Ultimate Salmon Fishing Course that we held at the Lower camp, but it was in the region of 350 salmon for 9 fishers. Vintage stuff!

The group coming into Middle Camp came in in two parties, the second a few hours after the first. As we made our final approach, low over Generator Pool outside camp, Richard L was lifting a 10lb bar of silver out of the water for us all to see from the helicopter windows.

The excitement in camp was infectious, rods were hastily assembled, dinner was rather quick and by mid-night the rods had banked 11 salmon before retiring for a well-earned sleep.

Summer is in the air now, the water temperature is 12⁰C and the height, although a little above average, is ‘summer height’. Perfect for floating lines and before breakfast this morning Ian S had a salmon on a single handed rod and small skated tube.
Generator at mid-night
I talked to Kitza this morning to hear that Ed Billson from Australia had landed his first ever salmon after dinner last night and there was, I gather, ‘a bit of a celebration’.

Another update from Varzuga tomorrow when I can report on how the first day of the week has gone, it was very bright first thing but is now clouding over nicely – looks good!

Christopher Robinson