Sunday, 9 June 2019

Sunny Sunday

With a wet and cold start to last week we went from shivering clients huddled next to the fire at lunchtime to lunch on the balcony and 27 degree air temps. It just shows you can't predict the weather here one bit. Today we have started the day with blazing sunshine and the water temperature is 19 degrees. However the cloud is rolling in and the forecast is rain. Diego R had a swim last night in generator and said it was a lovely temperature.
A jumper for Ropo at Eagle Rock
We said goodbye to our teams at Murmansk yesterday who were all full of beans about the week's fishing they have had. The Irish team at Kitza finished their week with 234 fish to the 8 rods with Kitza regular and team leader David W knocking up a cricket score to show them how it's done.

A belting fish for Jennifer C at the wires
With only 5 rods fishing Pana I was not expecting the numbers that kept coming in each day but if one was to choose an experienced and dedicated team those rods would have been the 5. Joe M, Jack M, Iain L, Rhodri and Tudor D set a formidable score of 257 fish including some big fish and really good fishing at Ponzoi. The current team also have many years experience and should have a great time with the fishing almost entirely in or on the surface now.

Eoin Fairgrieve's tuition week is a superb introduction to the art of Salmon fishing
At Middle we had a selection of first time rods and regulars. The fish kept on coming and despite a slight dip in the latter part of the week, we chalked up 497 fish to the 11 and a half rods. I say half as Pete Rippin joined us from the office early in the week but left to open up the Yokanga on the Tuesday evening. The fishing was very fair to all with good sessions and tough sessions. We are fishing almost exclusively floating lines and long leaders and down to size 10 and even 12 at times.

Fly colour and pattern varied a great deal last week with some fishing orange flies and some on green highlanders etc. As I explained to Jim C and James N last night, they all work, you just need them in the water. Diego R had 6 fish here before his swim including a lovely fish of 4.5 kgs. Jim and James had at least 12 between them but were a bit sheepish to say how many they caught this morning. I imagine quite a few.
Blue sky and green camp, amazing the change
Eoin and Bill's tuition week was a great success with 5 of the 7 rods relative beginners but all catching plenty of fish and reporting a lot of fish still running into the system. They finished the week with a staggering 355 salmon between them.

It was sad to say goodbye to Bill, Glenn and Claire yesterday although Bill will be back next Saturday for his Yokanga stint. I know it's easier to operate a fishing program when there are plenty of fish in the system but everyone has really worked well together this year and all the little things that need adjusting and tweaking behind the scenes have been beautifully handled both by our Russian partners and our own imported staff members. It feels a bit disconcerting to think that I no longer have Bill and the crew down below to reassure me the fish are still rolling in. But I simply know they are.
Rachel M with super guide Vitale up at Clarks
The tundra is now completely green and we are getting some splendid light in the evening. Many of the birds are paired up and nesting and it really feels like summer. This week I have Henry Crawford from the office for a bit of training so now I will take him out for another casting lesson. I could probably just let Holly teach him to be honest. Next report on Wednesday with an update of stories from the remaining 3 camps.

Jack Selby