Thursday, 15 May 2014

Normal Service Resumed

To be honest, we kicked our heels a bit yesterday and hung about camp. There is only so much ice coming past that you want to photograph. The weather until late evening was awful, a strong wind driving in sleet and snow all day. We had two long power cuts which damped the spirits a bit too. After nine days couped up in camp there is an understandable cabin fever setting in.

Ice coming past yesterday
We got another smaller boat into the water, then the ice cleared a bit and Feodor decided it was time to put his big boat in with last year’s brand new 90 HP on it. After that the weather closed in and other than cleaning the dining table for the 10th time there was not a lot to be done. A lot of Jenga was played, we celebrated Glenn’s birthday and chose Every Day is Like Sunday by Morrisey as our cabin fever song.

Launching a boat yesterday
While we remained in limbo the river was cleaning out well and by late evening the sky cleared and we had a glorious sunset to admire. It is bright and chilly this morning, we had a hard frost and first thing Terry put the heli camera up to get a picture for the blog. Shortly we are putting in our second big boat and will take Donna and Terry up to Middle camp to start the prep work there. Feodor has already left in his boat to move Big Misha and the guide team up.

Kari on guard
The river is not too high at the moment, indeed a bit lower than I thought it might be – just up to the edge of the withy bushes here at Lower. But there is a good push of water coming through and the ice is pretty much gone, just the odd bit coming down and in a couple of days we should be rid of it.

Kari has resumed his normal position in the sun on the steps to the office, guarding the kit to go to Pana next week, the rest of the boats are being launched and there is a welcome feel of activity here. Phew!

Heli Pool this morning - note the clear, tea coloured water
I hope to get some pictures of Middle today and we will have them up tomorrow.

Christopher Robinson