Thursday, 18 June 2015

Stable River

When we approach the midweek point there will be a flurry of calls to the office in Hungerford from the coming week’s guests all asking Lynsey what the conditions will be for the coming week. To save Lynsey giving you the correct, predicable answer – "bring layered clothing" - here is an update.

Domingo PS on Pana on the first week
The heavy rain on Sunday and Monday has not really moved the river, it just seems to have helped maintain it at almost exactly the same level. The water temperature too is stable at 11⁰C. I use this link for the forcast - I suggest you treat it as a useful indication of the trend rather than an exact prediction

Predictions on conditions up here are notoriously difficult – we once had snow on midsummer’s day. At the moment the weather looks settled and with late June fast approaching it ought to be warmer. With the warmer weather will come the mosquitoes, and with so much standing water this year it could be a vintage mosquito season. So if you are coming next week please bring mosquito defences – certainly you should bring a spray and if you don’t like them a net is helpful.

Chris M at Middle
The water level is going to be higher for this time of year than normal. At Pana and Kitza it is about at the perfect height just now and all the beats on both rivers are accessible. That could change quite quickly, it really is impossible to tell how quickly the water height will drop – a week of warm wind and sun could change things fast. At the moment at Middle Camp, as I have mentioned a few times before, we could do with lower water. Good examples for those of you who know Middle would be Robinson’s Folly and Bomber Ally where fishing from the gravel bar in mid river is still tricky/impossible unless you want a bit of a swim to the White Sea.

Rodolphe yesterday
We have not done much surface fishing – the best method at the moment is a slow sink tip, or an intermediate tip, a fairly short leader and a #6 or #8 double hook fly. Personally I would use a floating line and a ½" brass tube – but that is just me – the 12 rods here do not agree (and they are catching salmon)! In any event bring an intermediate tip.

Onto yesterday’s results – up at Pana they put 42 salmon in the book. David M had another really good fish, 17lbs from Ford (they had 52 on 16 June which I was unable to report as the Corn Flour order was deemed more important!). Over at Kitza they landed 32 salmon to eight rods with Josh leading the board with 10. Here at Middle Camp we recorded 36 – very consistent – with Ian again top rod with eight.

Sonya helping out on camp duties
We look forward to seeing our new guests next week – in the meantime  - hat, gloves, an anti-mosquito spray, layered clothing and an intermediate tip!

Christopher Robinson