Thursday, 15 June 2017

A rubber revelation

Yesterday at Kitza we saw a snapshot of the spectacular fishing that we are all yearning for. Up on beat one Jack M and Ian B hit upon a pod of fresh fish and whilst Jack M lost 3 good fish out in the fast water. Ian B landed one spanking fresh fish at Gold Mine as well as his 2 in the morning. It just shows you that having your fly in the water is what really counts. Jack M also landed a less fresh fish from 3rd Island.
Jack M with his fish at 3rd Island just before the action started
Over at Middle they netted 35 fish including a 14lbs fish for Nicolas G.  Added to this they also saw a mother bear and her three cubs playing on the bank. All in all a pretty special day. Toby reports that all the fish, almost without exception, were larger than average and mainly in the 8-9 lbs class. A little further up river Pana had 12 fish for the day and report the river is still dropping and seems to be finally finding some definition.

A quick dash with the net
Yesterday was my first chance to really test out the rubber boat. It has sat sadly lonely for more than 2 weeks now as it was slightly unstable for one person in high rapids. I loaded a roller bag with rocks to replicate a human up front and set off up river to scope out places that might now be fishable. I found little that was not still a raging torrent but I did find that the rubber boat really holds it’s own and will I have no doubt be excellent in low water conditions.

Team talk
Whilst we had a tough day with only 6 fish we are heartened by the sudden pod of fresh fish moving in yesterday afternoon and also by a very pleasing Perch caught by Michael G earlier in the day.

Ian B once again leads the way
This morning the weather is bright and warm with a very light breeze.

Jack Selby