Saturday, 28 May 2011

Changeover day

Saturday’s bring their challenges on the Varzuga. It is changeover day and some of our guests will be a tad slow after a farewell party the night before, others have to be prised off the river and almost forced into the departing helicopter!

Ivan B with one of 13 for the day
There are also unforeseen events that challenge the normally smooth changeover. Today it was not weather, baggage handlers at Helsinki airport went on a ‘wild-cat’ strike yesterday leaving many of those coming up today without their bags at Helsinki. Charlie had a sleepless night trying to see what could be done and by dawn the situation had improved somewhat and it looks like he can get almost all the 40 guests into the camps with their kit today. Our store of spare fishing kit, waders, boots and jackets has been prepared just in case.

Pasha with a good fresh run fish
The fishing continues to be excellent, Charlie will give us the full update tomorrow. I gather the fish are still pouring in through the Lower river, Ivan B had 13, many from Bear Island which continues to be one of the hot spots. The score from Middle is hard to judge as they were fishing until the last moment, what is certain is that they have had a bonanza week. Over at Kitza they reported more fish showing and catches should pick up there this week as the main run of salmon kicks in.

David F at top of Green Bank
This coming week should herald in the floating line, the water is a perfect height for it, the grass is greening up fast and the birch buds breaking – summer is on the way, and the main run of fish will enter over the next couple of weeks.

Summer is on it's way
More from Charlie tomorrow.

Christopher Robinson