Monday, 8 June 2015

Summer Is Not Here Yet

Just when the weather here at home is settling down and starting to feel like summer the same cannot be said of the weather up north.

Yesterday saw another day of pretty heavy rain on and off all day, this morning Bill Drury reported the weather distinctly chilly with an air temperature of 6⁰C and a sharp wind from the NW. The water temperature has dropped back to 10⁰C.
Grant I at Sviets yesterday
Not ideal conditions and with a slowly rising river as well to add to the ‘fishing excuses’. That said the teams in the four camps had a pretty good day yesterday and the catches have remained remarkably consistent despite the changeable conditions.

Up at Pana they landed exactly 50 salmon with Barry W taking the best fish at 18lbs. Kitza too had a good start to their week with 46 landed, the whole of the beat is fishing well and the salmon seem well spread out from the top at Rackmanns all the way to below the Camp.
The Wires at Lower Varzuga
I do not have news from Middle Camp, but the team there is an experienced one and I’m sure they will have done well. At Lower Camp they landed 39 fish with Ralph C top rod for the day with seven.

With the water temperature down a bit most fishers are sticking with intermediate tips and slightly larger flies. The weather for the week looks to be on the cold side with an East wind, if you are preparing to come out on 13 June those gloves and a hat might be needed.
Bear dog sheltering from the rain at Lower Varzuga
Charlie should be back from his visit to Pana today and I hope we might have some Pana photos on the blog tomorrow.

Christopher Robinson