Sunday, 12 June 2016

A fresh fish...

…runs into the blog.

Thankfully the same can be said for Middle as Doug U dug an 8lb bar of silver out of Generator shortly after the heli landed on Saturday and another before breakfast this morning. Olivier D and Sebastien R were rewarded for a trip down Bear Rapids and through to Rock with three between them. As is often the case in fishing it is the less likely looking and under-fished spots (of late) that provide for the curious fisherman.

Sebastien R shows faith in a proven mode of transport
I found Ian S sorting his gear out before heading to bed and he produced a box of beautifully tied flies (by his own hand) with names as colourful as their ingredients. He promises to take his latest creation “The Chutney Ferret” for a swing through Bomber Alley today. I’ll save you the detailed tying instructions but wow, just wow; this man has a fertile imagination. I fear more to come on this theme.
No Ferrets in here.

Pana kept up with Middle on the opening eve of this week – despite the river dropping off a little, could this be the turn of the tide? I’d suspect James P may think so with 3 to his rod before supper. It was a casual family affair with Algernon providing another. Here’s to this evening’s report from up there bringing fine news

Heli leaving from Pana with a heavy load.
Having just finished my first week on Varzuga I’m in awe at how beautiful the river is with seemingly endless “perfect” fly water - a far cry from the featureless expanse I’d expected! Photography doesn’t do this river justice and our entire party agreed there was little point in trying to capture the evening light and perfect mirror image on Bear last night.
After much pre-trip talk of low water we're a far cry from the need to fish 25' leaders and size 18 flies I'd expected as fish are still as aggressive as could be hoped for. However, the boats are feeling it a little.
Waders and boots - the latter very necessary for these boats.

On the note of parties, it would seem there was something in the air on Friday night as Murmansk departure “lounge” was a lively affair yesterday and I certainly found one fisherman outside the guides rooms in the early hours “just taking in some Russian culture”! Everyone is in this game together and the feeling of camaraderie between very broken English/Russian is hugely evident.
1st blog written and photos selected.

Duct tape diaries
Now to continue with my ongoing battle with internet connection. I take my hat off to Christopher Robinson for operating apparently seamlessly in this black hole of connectivity for so many years!

Oli Shuldham