Thursday, 25 May 2017

Quick update

There is precious little to add this morning as all of the managers, cooks, guides and helpers are busy clearing out the camps, setting up boats and ensuring that everything looks spotless for our first guests arrival on Saturday.

Boats at Lower waiting to be launched
At Middle and Lower, nether Toby nor Bill have fished yet as there is still substantial ice coming down and fishing on your own in those conditions is not a good idea.

Picking a moment to launch a boat between the ice
Frustratingly, Toby cannot send me pictures of the river at Middle as he has a problem with his connection but I understand that the ice has left behind substantial ice walls on Generator pool which we have seen before.  When the water rises, as the snow around the tundra melts, this will all go but it sounds as if we will need to exercise caution for the time being.

Luba at Kitza preparing lunch for the guides
Jack, over at Kitza, has been getting to grips with the new rubber boats that we have purchased for this season which will be a real boon in low water.  Ironically, this is one season where we almost certainly won’t see low water before we leave but such is life on the Kola and it is always good to make progress.

One of the new rubber boats at Kitza
I am heading up to Helsinki tomorrow and am hugely looking forward to typing the next blog beside the river.  It has been an extraordinary couple of weeks and it will be great to see some fish on the bank and the operation up and running.

Charlie White