Wednesday, 28 June 2017

2 Day Catch Up

Having thought we had the satellite data sorted out yesterday saw heavy rain and wind and Toby was unable to get a decent connection under cover. His test emails would come through but any detail or images failed. I have spoken to him this morning so am updating two days in one and have finally managed to receive some images.

Nice smaller fish for Paul R
Monday was over cast with showers. However the river was still good to us and air temperature stayed warm. The team landed 22 fish for the day. Richard G got his first fish in Generator which was alive with fish on Monday night. He was jolly pleased that it was bigger than any of his fishing partner's fish.

Sunsets are always utterly wonderful at this time of year
Gordon B fished down through Fortress with a bomber and nearing the bottom he raised a fish off the rock. It came several times for the fly but never committed. Just about to move away to snake pit he popped on a hitch and the fish smashed it straight away. So glad there is finally some surface action.

Lovely fish released
Yesterday was heavier rain and a cold wind. None the less the river has not risen but has stopped dropping. Our intrepid team put in the hard graft and landed another 22 fish for the day. Gordon B and Paul R are now fishing exclusively full floating lines and having the same success as before.

Camp from the air, still very little green
Last night a bear visited the island in search of some scraps. Mischa chased it away, a spectacle in it's own right, and the dogs were active in keeping it at bay until the early hours. Today it is grey and overcast with light rain so far. There are still no Mosquitoes with 2.5 days left of the season. Staggering!

Jack Selby