Friday, 30 June 2017

Mixed day

Firstly it seems there is an issue with the BGan or the operator/instructor. Either way we are unable to receive images from middle camp. Luckily everything else seems to be running very smoothly. I was talking to Toby late last night about the all important close down notes. What a contrast from last year. Toby reports that all the new engines are in very good condition and no chips or dings. "The big boat needs a starter motor" is about all he needs to note down.

Yesterday morning turned bitterly cold and consequently the morning's fishing was slower. Around lunch time the sun came out and the clouds cleared entirely. This time last year I was where Toby is now praying for overcast conditions to cool the water temperatures. None the less the warmer weather had a good effect and the team managed to land 19 fish. Without exception all the rods took to the Generator pool after supper and Dominic M managed to entice 2 more to the bank.

The other thing that is astounding is the mosquitoes have arrived. As Toby said "seven weeks in the Russian tundra and they only show up on the very last day." That is pretty good going although I think I would happily swap 2-3 weeks of mosquitoes for the 2 weeks watching a frozen river at the start.

This morning there is a little cloud but mainly blue sky and warm. Stewart S had an early start this morning with the intention to catch his first fish on the hitch. He achieved this with ease so big congratulations. Once hooked on the hitch it's very hard to go back.

I guess this is my last report until the season round up. It has been a strange and wonderful, interesting and emotional, challenging and enjoyable year. You cant just go back to Russia with a thought, the only way to relive that moment is to go back there every year and experience it. It does not matter how many people ask me about my trip, no one who has not experienced that amazing environment can truly understand the draw and the appeal.

Jack Selby