Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Fish Jumping

Yesterday was great fun. We shifted every box, packet and bottle of the dry stores supply into the Lower camp dining room. As it turned out, we also received half a year’s worth of the village coffee supply. 
Essential supplies
Once counted and documented we set about splitting the items between camps and bagging them up, ready for transport by boat and air to their respective homes.

6 month's coffee supply
The warm start, coupled with a south wind made for a good deal of snow melt. At around 3pm, as our Russian friends headed out to the village, we saw a lot of heavy cloud rolling in which turned to sideways driving rain. If the river is up this morning it’s only a fraction but I think we will see it rise slowly throughout the day.

Middle ready for transit
Some of the Russian Middle camp team have arrived safely in camp and report that the river above the village is in good health. We also heard rumours of fish jumping…

Cloud before the downpour
Yesterday evening as we finished up we had a visit from a stunning white tailed eagle. Typically I had taken my big lens off my camera about 10 minutes previously and as if to rub it in the eagle swooped low along the far bank before climbing and perching in the trees opposite the camp. By the time I got back with my camera it had gone.

A very different scene 2 nights ago
Today we have already changed a fridge and removed our coffee over supply. Claire and Holly are busy making soup and more bread. I’m now really eager to get a line out and so we are sending Hamish in as our guinea pig whilst Bill and I spot icebergs for him.

Jack Selby