Thursday, 21 June 2018

Rod Snapper

This week has involved some heavy and late nights. So it was very welcome to get a little snooze yesterday morning. Less welcome was being woken up by Phil who had snapped his second rod tip of the week. He was looking to exchange the broken tip for a new one. At this rate he may well be going through a rod per fish.
Phil not breaking a rod

After yesterday’s thunder storm and down pour the river has risen and we had a mild and over cast day. Having made the call of lunch at camp the sun came out briefly but proved that sticking to the plan works as it hammered down during lunch and everyone was thankful of a roof under which to enjoy their sausage rolls and soup.
Up River lunch team

Matt P had misjudged his capacity for white wine and took the day to recover meaning Jon P and I fished Fortress in the afternoon. All the water we fished felt perfect both in height and speed but sadly nothing showed interest in our flies.
At Pana Guy R got 1 in the tail of Lagoon, Peter P had 2, Alexander M had 1 from Ponzoi, David H landed 1 from Grannies, George S and Willie G had 1 each on the float trip. Matt also reports lots of mozzies like here.
Fish from Bear
Kitza stats were pretty amazing but the detail show’s it was a little one sided. They landed 20 yesterday. Paul R landing 13 of them: 3 at Red Cliffs, 3 from Beaver Pit  and 4 in rock pool! Francisco had 2 one from Sasha’s and one from Kitchen. Reynout K had 3 from Sasha’s, Reel and Green Glide.
Dodging rocks
This morning we have more showers and the river has risen another 3 inches. My big boat was due to be removed from the water last night but seems to have had a short reprieve. I’m glad as I’ve become quite attached to the old girl.

Jack Selby