Monday, 18 June 2018

You never really know what's coming...

Yesterday we had roasting hot sun and hot water temperatures. Millie finally had her swim in the river which gives an idea of just how warm it was. At 4pm the river was at 18 degrees and dropped by 2 degrees by 8pm. This has certainly had a detrimental effect on the fishing with only 4 fish caught during office hours and 4 caught in the early morning or late into the night.

Jon P with a Grilse from Bear

Kitza held up it’s run of good fishing by landing 15 yesterday. Paul R had 7, 3 from Red Cliffs, 2 from Beaver Pit, one from Tom’s and one from Green Bank. Jose M had 2, Sasha’s and Gold Mine. Francisco P had one from Gold Mine also. Antony B had 3 out of Sasha’s, Piddling and Gold Mine.

Nice Grilse from Generator

Up at Pana fortunes were slightly better with 12 fish landed. George S got 3 up on the float trip, Charlie M got 2 from Rockface and Ponzoi, Willie G had 2 from Pontoon and lost a fish estimated to be 20lbs. Peter P and David H landed 2 each. Whilst the conditions did not effect Pana as much the report was that there were not many takes or loses for the 12.
Beautiful view down river

Today has started hot again but there is a breeze and the forecast for tomorrow is cloud and Wednesday rain. As with any wilderness you never really know what’s coming but the change from last week has been staggering. Our water is at 14 degrees this morning and the air is 20 degrees.
Caleb S with a nice fish from Robinson's Folly
There has been no sense of urgency from 2 of our guests this week who seem to relish a late start as the sun really gets hot. This seems to be contagious with 4 guests still having breakfast at 10:15. Let’s hope those who have headed out early have done the business.

Another for Jon P
Jack Selby