Thursday 14 June 2018

Up a foot

Once again Kitza held it’s own yesterday mainly due to the lake that feeds the bulk of the river protecting them from a sharp rise. We had sparse moments of glory but the river rose all day meaning for many fishing was tough. The nice gravel bars we had been fishing are now too deep in most cases but the likes of Birthday and Peartiha are now back in play and for Brendon G this was a winner banking 2 fish over 10lbs in weight. Will G got a fish in the morning from the upper river and Peter W christened his new line with a brace from Dunkery Corner.
Brendon G with a cracking fish from Generator
There were certainly a few fish running yesterday with reported sightings right through our beats but they were not hanging around to chase flies. We are all hopeful that the rise in water will bring a few more of the pods of fish into our beats to replace those running up.
12" rise in the last 48hrs
Ralph C with a lovely fish from up river

If the fish are running hard I hope they are heading for Pana as they had another tough day yesterday with 3 fish for the team. Conditions were very tough with cold air temperature and a rising river all day. Patrick H and James P were up river on the float section and landed one each and James J had a fish before a picnic lunch.
Brendon G with Peartiha fish 1
Brendon G with Peartiha fish 2

The weather yesterday was pretty cold but lunch at Peartiha seemed to be in the only warm spell of the day. We had a lovely sunset last night so Will G, Charlie C, Jason S and myself took the big boat down to Party to skate a sunray. We did have a fish boil at the fly but it missed by a mile and eventually we decided a beer by the fire was the smarter choice.
Azar once again joined us for a picnic at Peartiha
This morning it is milder and the sun is out. The water is currently 9 degrees and with the rise in the river we are fishing slightly heavier with larger flies. Whilst it’s great for boating and certain pools I’m just crossing everything that it brings a bunch of new fish into the system and more over all the beats.

Jack Selby