Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Up she rises

As predicted the river has come up 7 inches since yesterday morning. The rise will make boating easier but wading trickier. The recently introduced water has also forced the temperature down to 9 degrees. Whilst the rising river did not stop us catching it certainly slowed things up added to a very strong wind. For those who know the river well Clarks corner can be very tricky in strong wind with it seemingly coming at you from every direction.
Will G with a lovely fish from Party Rocks
Kevin C and Karen C toughed it out up there in the morning until the cold took it’s toll and they returned for a well earned rest by the fire. In the afternoon it was also extremely cold and windy but they fished the full session and Kevin was rewarded with 2 lovely fish.
Kevin C and Sasha with a lovely fish from Fortress
Jason S took top rod for the day with insider information from Will G for two fish at Party rocks and a fish from Snake Pit. I waded out to the middle of the river to see Peter W who seemed to be struggling with the wind. It turned out someone had “Custom Tuned” his shooting head and one cast showed me it was not well weighted to the rod. I waded back and brought him my Rio Scandi head which he declares is an utter pleasure to cast. Think that line will be heading home with Peter.

Ralph C all set to go

Another cracking selfie from Brendon G
We ended on 13 yesterday but somehow it had felt like more. There was certainly a pod or two of fish about and there were quite a few fish lost for those landed. I imagine the rising river triggered a few fish to run. Now we just have to hope enough of these new fish stick around for the next two weeks.
Camp pets are nesting on cabin 3
Steven H showing off his Snap T
Kitza had a slower day but still managed to land 18 fish. They reported heavy rain in the morning followed by heavy wind. Ian B had 6 fish with 3 from Clay View, Bryan P had 4 also with 2 from Clay View giving them a boat total of 10 fish. Josh C caught 2 with a 15lbs fish from Rackmans. Charles W had 3 from Beaver Pit and Sergei’s. Pana reported 6 fish landed due to the rising river.
Jason S with a cracker from Party rocks
This morning it was sunny with a clear sky but still 7 degrees. There is a down stream wind and it’s slowly clouding over. We are however having a picnic lunch at Peartiha again unless the heavens open.

Jack Selby