Friday, 1 July 2016

Anyone for a swim

Yesterday was scorchio again. It did not seem to stop Paul R from a very serious day landing 3 fish and losing the same. Julian S also landed one up river. We took lunch up river and fishing had been tough but everyone was on good form. The water is skinny now and so we sent Donna by boat and waded up ourselves.

Gordon B's fish Peartiha

One of our member has had a fish every day so far and so the pressure is on today (Not mentioning any names). Gordon B had a fish this morning on a Green Highlander that was remotely guided by Terry. Last year Terry told Gordon of a rock far out on the true left channel of Generator. Gordon extended his leader and his cast and sure enough this morning it worked. Well done Terry.

This mornings fish

Yesterday Paul R also took a slight spill in the river. Not enough to fill his waders but enough to dampen his arms and front. However clearly it had the effect of gently releasing his auto inflate life jacket. About ten minutes after he'd recovered his composure it suddenly went off mid river and almost sent him back into the drink. Therefore Oli carefully rearmed it last night whilst sampling a little Malt... For quality control purposes you understand.

Post supper rearming

Another wonderful supper a la Donna

Jack Selby